About - YUFO - E.T.s are Real

This website aims is to present the important and convincing evidence about the reality of UFOs and extraterrestrials visiting the Earth. Also important information that is being kept out of the lame-stream media.
The intention of YUFO is to only bring you the truth.

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What If? | Cosmic Summit Presentation 2023 | Funny Olde World

Les  6th Dec 2023 10:27:15

Graham Hancock: Beyond Ancient Apocalypse | Presentation @ Logan Hall, London

Les  6th Dec 2023 10:21:02

Answering Questions on the Wilson Leak & More

Les  26th Jun 2019 12:19:41

The Wilson UFO Leak

Les  9th Jun 2019 10:18:11

The leaked pages are here: https://imgur.com/a/ggIFTfQ

UFOs Exist And Do Things 'This World Is Not Capable Of'

Les  31st May 2019 13:16:03

[29th May 2019]

UAP Transparency; House Oversight VOWS To Tell American People The Truth On UFO's

Les  6th Dec 2023 10:28:57

The Apollo Moon Missions - Hiding a Hoax in Plain Sight

Les  19th Jun 2019 21:24:41

The late Stanton Friedman talks about life after death

Les  4th Jun 2019 14:00:08

Richplanet Rock

Les  24th Apr 2019 23:01:52

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