Evidence of Ancient Electrical Devices found in the Great Pyramid

Les  24th Jun 2011 21:28:35

Christopher Dunn, the author of the book 'Giza Power Plant: Technologies of Ancient Egypt' reveals the discovery of evidence of electrical terminals, cables and even ancient wiring diagrams inside one of the Great Pyramid's shafts.

He says that every robot explorer they send up the shafts find more and more evidence to prove that his theory is correct.

Back in 1977, Dunn was first person to described the Great Pyramid as a power plant. He was the first to describe the pins as electrical devices, found in one of the shafts by robotics engineer Rudolph Gantenbrink's robot in 2002. Now many people have called the the Great Pyramid a power plant constructed by aliens, although Dunn has never said he thinks that the Great Pyramid was built by aliens, only that it was built by the indigenous people living in that area at the time.

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