Les  17th Feb 2011 22:01:00

Trying to explain anything that is not the popular belief is very difficult. I never really want to start defending my thoughts on UFOs but sometimes the things people say are so obviously straight from the last biased documentary they saw on the TV.

The documentaries usually have a large number of UFO witnesses and to make it 'balanced' they also have one sceptic who's views are aired throughout the show. Most of the witnesses are respectable people, well educated and quite often didn't believe in UFOs until the incident they are talking about. Yet the shows always give the views of the sceptic a higher value.

It's the way that the documentaries make people out to be stupid or misguided just because they have a different opinion to the norm. It's a subliminal way of making people not want to believe anything different because they will be laughed at or ridiculed. It's a well used type of propaganda.

Once people start believing in something after constantly only hearing one side of the story they are then defending their belief and themselves in arguments too. So they get offended.

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