UFOs the evidence?

Les  17th Mar 2011 21:42:45

If a UFO video I find on YouTube has words like 'Proof' or 'Must See' I tend to just glance at them because they are almost always fakes. Some though are difficult to know if they are real or fakes.

The problem is that the pictures are sometime too good.
Normally when people see a little fuzzy ball of light with no definition it gets called a UFO. On the other hand if people see a UFO on video in detail and in high quality people say it's a fake. It's a pity that CGI is so good nowadays. If it wasn't for CGI we maybe already have had a video that was seen as absolute proof.

Devon, England

Wales, United Kingdom

Over the Alps in Switzerland

Taken in the 1950's in California

Taken in the 1960's

This picture was discovered by a man while clearing out his parent's home after they had died. He thinks it was taken sometime in the early 1960's a few miles away from the house in Kentucky. He's parents had never said anything about it to him.

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