
The sightings in this section are ones that are very convincing and selected from the thousands of sightings on the internet and YouTube.

NOTE: The videos on YUFO have a full screen button at the bottom right of each video.
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Sightings in 2018

Les  16th Mar 2019 10:28:05

Strange object over Derby, England 20th August 2013

Les  21st Aug 2013 15:40:17

Last night (20th August 2013) approximately 19:30hrs my partner and I witnessed a strange object in the sky over Derby. It travelled in a North Easterly direction.
It can best be described as a horse-shoe shaped object – but it also had a second object that seemed to travel with it. This was smaller and had no recognisable shape to it. The objects were black and appeared to be moving slowly across the sky, but the larger of the 2 seemed to be twisting rather than static and the second object appeared to change its position in relation to the main object.

The daylight was still good and the object displayed no lighting that we could see.

Phil & Jackie

Bird-like UFOs over Mexico in January 2013

Les  4th Mar 2013 15:47:12

I posted this video because I've saw a 'flock' of around 15 similar objects over Birmingham in England last year (2012). It was at night and they had an orange glow underneath. The wings were just out stretched (they didn't flap). At the time though I convinced myself that they must have just been birds but after seeing this video, I'm not so sure.

They could be alien or more likely human made remote controlled drones. Whatever they are their wings do not flap so they're not birds.

UFO on the radar screen in the Republic of Yakutia

Les  17th Jan 2013 00:31:55

Uploaded on May 28, 2010
This video was recorded air traffic controllers in the city of Yakutsk, where you will see a radar zafiksiroval and "led" UFO Property Features: - speed of 9.8 thousand km \ h - the height of 19.7 thousand meters - instantly changes trajectory He also gave interference with aviation frequencies , complicating the work of pilots and controllers to control the plane (see video) in the world is such flying objects with features and will not in the near future, PS Here you see that the radar UFO assigned number 00000 as Radar sends a request to the aircraft and receives a response code number board, remaining fuel, etc. here it is from a UFO got no answer and the computer gave a default number 00000. The height and speed of the computer calculates automatically. To compare the speed of an ordinary airliner TU-154 850km / h AN-24 450km / h These cases were reported more than once in Yakutsk but managers were not there before cell phones for quick entry

Ufo over St. Petersburg Russia April 2012!!!

Les  21st Apr 2012 21:39:52

Low altitude UFO sighting - South of France - April 24, 2007

Les  1st Oct 2011 09:48:51

First spotted at 5:30PM and it stayed there almost without moving and without any noise until the sun went down.

Very interesting but I'm not to sure about this sighting. If I saw a UFO that hung around for hours I'd have hours of video not just 59 seconds.

Daylight UFO globe 10-5-2012 (Rome Italy)

Les  6th Jun 2012 22:47:02

Newport Shropshire Sept 08, 2011 approx 21.40

Les  26th Sep 2011 21:30:41

"It was in Newport Shropshire. A lucky set of photo's really, the sky had been strange for a few nights prior to then. Jet black clouds with dark blue background, I was just having a quick break at work. We see allsorts, orange orbs and shooting stars its fantastic. I've have lived here for 3 years. I have been seeing these things since last December, I often go outside late at night to have a look what's going on." - Vikki Lawrence.

Mork and Mindy came to visit!

Les  11st Aug 2011 10:42:55

This is another example of how the UFO subject is deliberately treated as a joke. When investigating a London UFO incident in 2003 the police turned up with two men in space suits and dark glasses who called themselves Mork and Mindy.

Mail Online

UFO spotted above Hertfordshire By BBC Sports Reporter

Les  3rd Aug 2011 17:35:29

Sports reporter Mike Sewell saw a UFO in morning so BBC 5 live Breakfast speaks to a UFO expert Tim Good who explains what it could have been.

UFO spotted above Hertfordshire


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