About - YUFO - E.T.s are Real

This website aims is to present the important and convincing evidence about the reality of UFOs and extraterrestrials visiting the Earth. Also important information that is being kept out of the lame-stream media.
The intention of YUFO is to only bring you the truth.

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Wal Thornhill: Black Hole or Plasmoid?

Les  17th Apr 2019 09:57:59

The Next End of the World - C.I.A. Classified

Les  30th Mar 2019 15:48:15

The Science of Reincarnation

Les  30th Mar 2019 12:51:55

Cities Beneath the Jungles, Deserts and Seas

Les  30th Mar 2019 12:51:10

Evidence of Ancient Nuclear Battles and power stations

Les  30th Mar 2019 12:50:25

The audio track is sometime badly edited but the information is very interesting.

Giants and Aliens - The Film - Roundabouts

Les  24th Apr 2019 20:02:26

Exposing the Cover-Up of Ancient Advanced Civilisations

Les  18th Apr 2019 18:53:59

The Sphinx: What The History Books Don't say

Les  2nd Apr 2019 20:52:39

Suppressed History of Giants - Rare Video Included

Les  30th Mar 2019 12:50:46

The audio track is sometime badly edited but the information is very interesting.
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