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Nitinol Heat Machines invented in the early 1970

Les  27th Jan 2014 10:25:41

Has this Nitinol engine technology simply just been forgotten or has it been deliberately supressed by the oil companies?

This Nickel and Titanium alloy has the ability to 'memorise' a shape. At a temperature of 500ºC you set the Nitinol into the required shape. While the metal is cooling to room temperature, the shape is ‘trained’ into the metal.

Once the 'memory' is set you can change the shape of the metal. Then by raising its temperature to the metals 'transitional' level the Nitinol will abruptly and with a force of up to 55 tons/square inch return to the memorised shape. Different Nickel and Titanium percentages in the alloy produce different transitional temperatures including room temperature.

In the 1970s and 1980s toys and even spectacle frames were made of Nitinol but all that seems to have been forgotten.

A Nitinol engine made with a low temperature differential could easily use a heat source like, solar, geothermal, friction or waste heat etc.

Hidden Magnetic Portals Around Earth

Les  20th Nov 2013 12:06:54

In 2014 NASA will launch four spacecraft called MMS (Magnetospheric Multiscale) to study the portal phenomenon.

From the NASA website:
The Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission is a Solar Terrestrial Probes mission comprising four identically instrumented spacecraft that will use Earth’s magnetosphere as a laboratory to study the microphysics of three fundamental plasma processes: magnetic reconnection, energetic particle acceleration, and turbulence. These processes occur in all astrophysical plasma systems but can be studied in situ only in our solar system and most efficiently only in Earth’s magnetosphere, where they control the dynamics of the geospace environment and play an important role in the processes known as “space weather.”

The Magnetospheric Multiscale mission will use four identical spacecraft, variably spaced in Earth orbit, to make three-dimensional measurements of magnetospheric boundary regions and examine the process of magnetic reconnection. Credit: Southwest Research Institute.


Remote Viewing and Quantum Science

Les  3rd Jun 2013 09:44:14

The science gets a bit heavy in the middle but it's well worth watching.

Psychic Parrot

Les  7th Feb 2013 14:42:26

This is a truly amazing parrot. This is not a trick or just a fluke. It was one of many scientifically controlled experiments with this parrot.

Science Set Free - Rupert Sheldrake

Les  7th Feb 2013 13:06:23

Biologist and author Dr. Rupert Sheldrake talks about scientific beliefs and dogmas.

Stanton Friedman on UFOs, Science, SETI & Stephen Hawking

Les  15th Jan 2013 01:37:42

Here are some of the very important points that Nuclear Physicist Stanton Friedman explains in this lecture.

What he is saying is that scientists are not being scientific about the alien UFO subject. They dismiss the subject without giving it any scientific thought and often come out with some very stupid statements.

Scientists dismiss UFOs because they say there is no evidence. Although if they'd actually looked in to the subject they would find that there are many official studies that came to the conclusion that alien UFOs do exist based on undeniable evidence.

Scientists talk about the vast distances between stars and state that it is against the laws of physics to travel faster than light so ETs would not come here because of the thousands of years it would take. What the scientists always forget when they say such things is that it's against the laws of physics “as we presently understand them”. Also if they thought about our laws of physics just a little bit, travelling to the nearest stars wouldn't actually take thousands of years at all.

The official account of the history of the rise of human civilisation is only around 5000 years. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realise that other intelligent civilisations on other worlds could have had much longer histories. Think of all of the scientific developments that humans have made within the last 50 years. There will be civilisations in the universe that have had the same rate of development but instead of 5000 years, it could have been for millions of years. We can't even imagine the laws of physics they will have discovered.

Nuclear Fusion Engines
The biggest nuclear bomb was exploded by the Russians and it was the equivalent of 60 million tons of TNT.
In the second world war the largest conventional bombs were 10 tons of TNT.

Using a Nuclear Fusion (rocket) engine you can produce 10 million times more energy per particle than you get from a chemical rocket engine. You can also use the gravitational pull of planets, stars and black holes to give the spaceship a speed boost in the same way NASA used the Earth's gravity and the Moon's gravity to slingshot their Apollo spacecraft to and from the Moon in the late 60s and 70s.

g-force (gravitational-force)
1g = 9.8 metres per second squared.
1g = 21 miles per hour per second.
1g = 0 to 63 miles per hour in 3 seconds.

Speed of Light = 299,792,458 meters per second.
Speed of Light = 670,616,629 miles per hour.

It takes 1 year at 1g to get to the speed of light.

Einstein more or less said that as an object approaches the speed of light it's mass increases so much that the energy involved to travel at the speed of light would be too great.
He also said that due to time dilation the time elapsed for a passenger travelling at high speed would be less than the time elapsed for people (on Earth) observing.

So by travelling at 99.9% of light speed a trip to Zeta Reticuli (39 light years away) would only take 6 months for the passengers due to time dilation.
See: How_far_can_one_travel_from_the_Earth

By the way the closest star is Proxima Centauri at 4.2 light years away.
Alpha Centauri is 4.37 light years away.

Scientists never talk about these things because they start with the premiss of it being impossible anyway. They're not even using their own scientific principles when they dismiss interstellar travel.

Annunaki and Ancient Hidden Technology

Les  15th Oct 2013 01:21:04

In this presentation Michael Tellinger's talks about how the ancients used sound frequencies to levitate and move massive stones during the construction of their huge buildings. He also gives a more convincing explanation for the thousands of ancient structures in South Africa that have been wrongly named cattle and sheep pens by mainstream ‘scientists’. After studying the way thin layers of sediment cover rocks over long periods of time. He has calculated the age of these buildings to be at least 260,000 years old.
He also explains how our god, kings, religion and monetary system come from the Annunaki.

Bombshell: UFO Case Files Revealed

Les  3rd Jun 2013 17:02:13

A presentation by Michael Schratt, aerospace historian, at MUFON's 2010 Symposium

Ice Age Animal Giants. Why Not Ice Age Human Giants?

Les  31st May 2013 20:07:14

Scientists accept that in the Ice Age there were giant Bears, giant Saber Tooth Tigers, giant Mamoths and Mastodons (elephants), giant Syrian Camels, giant Sloths, giant North American Lions, giant Beavers, giant Teratorns (birds), giant Irish Elk (deer). etc.

So why is it so difficult for them to accept, even after finding giant human skeletons, that there were giant humans during the Ice Age too.

I'm not sure if she is very tall or he is very small.

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